Alexander X. Zebra

Status: TTW / Medium: Chapter Book + Screenplay / Category: Children’s > Adventure / Timeline: May 22025 / Job Board: Active

A young visionary leads the world of zebra fashion in colorful new directions, but will his love of plaid win over the naysayers, or be his undoing?
— Alexander X. Zebra
  • Alexander’s mother taught him to sew. And for as long as he could remember, he’d made his own clothes. But Alexander grows bored with the traditional world of zebra fashion - nothing but black and white stripes. And so he begins to experiment with bold colors and patterns.

    Alexander wears his new creations to school. The other zebras are not impressed. They don’t like this new style. Zebra only wear black and white stripes they say. Alexander is upset. The world doesn’t seem to share his vision. He considers giving up, but he hears the voice of his mother encouraging his to pursue his dreams. And so he does.

    Alexander opens a clothing store. But no cusotmers come. Finally, the fashion critic from The Zebra Tribune pays a visit to the store. He is not impressed. He tells Alexander that zebras don’t wear colors or patterns. And he writes a scathing review in the newpaper the next day.

    Again Alexander is wracked with self-doubt. But just then, a young zebra names Elenor pays a visit to the store. She likes what she sees. She asks Alexander to make her a pink polkadot dress, which she wears to the watering hole. Her friends are intrigued. Elenor encourages Alexander to put on a fashion show. While not everyone is a fan of this new zebra style, Alexander finds enough success to continue pursuing his dream.

    With a timeless message about following your dreams and staying true to yourself, Alexander Zebra is a heartwarming tale the whole family will enjoy . The story explores the complex themes of guilt, forgiveness, and the search for meaning in a world that can sometimes be unforgiving.

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    Join Us! At Macguffin Co., we curate promising Concepts to develop into books, films, games, and merchandise.

    If the Concept is greenlit, it means we think we have something - a character, a storyline, a world - worth investing time, energy and money to fully develop. So we’ll work with an SEC registered intermediary to launch an investment offering. An Offering is an invitation to invest in a share of the future revenue of the franchise.

    With the capital raised, we’ll assemble a creative team to fully develop the franchise and license the intellectual property rights to media partners, generating returns for you, the creative team, and investors.

    The entire creative process, from Concept to Offering, is covered in Guff’s Character Issues, and sent to Macguffins’ in-boxes weekly.

  • Alexander X. Zebra

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